God's standard of love is the way He loves. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 defines love biblically. You cannot meet this standard.
Your marriage is broken because it is made up of two broken people. You fall short of God's standard.
You are in need of God's grace.
Follow the example of Christ until you love yourself less than you love your spouse. You cannot be a godly spouse if you are focusing on yourself.
You have been forgiven everything by God's grace; therefore, you are able to forgive your spouse. Forgiveness in action is a practical guide to ask for and extend forgiveness.
God's covenantal love provides an example of the way you are to love your spouse. Marriage is a commitment, not a contract.
You are tempted every day to believe the lies all around you regarding your marriage. You need to identify the lies you are choosing to believe and replace those lies with biblical truth.
The goal of communication is mutual undersatnding. You have negative communication patterns that you need to identify and change.
Conflict in marriage is normal and a great opportunity to glorify God, grow yourself, and grow your spouse. Handling conflict biblically is a great path to oneness with your spouse.
You have many expectations about your spouse and your marriage that, if unmet and handled incorrectly, will lead to disappointment and anger. You need to be able to articulate and deal with unmet expectations and realize that God is your only true hope.
God calls you to live with your spouse in "an understanding way." This means you will need to become a student of your spouse so that you can best love and celebrate them. Your relationship with your spouse is also tied to your relationship with God.
Intimacy is to "fully know and be known, without the fear of rejection." Being fully known and accepted by God allows you to be authentic with your spouse.
Sex is God's gift in marriage to experience a unique physical expression of oneness and intimacy.
Part of God's design in marriage is to use your spouse to conform you into His image. You need to allow your spouse to partner with you in spiritual growth.
This is a way to live, not a program that you go through. You don't graduate from this. Success in marriage is not just avoiding divorce, but always moving toward oneness. You will have to continue to fight for everything you have gained.